Reading Questions for SHORT, Chapter 6:
- What caused the collapse of colonialism after WW II?
- Which parts of Africa were independent in 1945, in the mid-50s, in the mid-60s?
- What is the debate over the dynamics of decolonization?
- What does the book mean by the "second colonial occupation," and what was its impact?
- What were the "crucibles of change"?
- How did France handle its colonies and colonial subjects after WW II?
- Describe most African politicians of the time and their main challenges.
- What was the South African model and whom did it appeal to?
- What is significant about Algeria's independence?
- What effects did nationalism and anti-colonialism have on the field of African history in the 1950s and 1960s?
- Was the new history useful to African politicians?
- What approaches to African history were more prominent in the French-speaking world?
- How did Congo become "Africa's first Cold War battlefield"?
- What were the goals of most African leaders in the 1960s?
- What happened in the 1970's?

Reading Questions for AFRICANS, Chapter 11:
Rapid population growth
- In contrast to population growth between WW I and WW II, what was the main reason for population growth after 1940?
- Modern medicine and what else led to "the most sudden and rapid population growth the world is ever likely to see"?
- What effect did the defeated Mau Mau insurrection have on Kenyan politics?
- Contrast the politics of Uganda and Tanganyika.
- Why was support for nationalism so strong in the poorer rural areas of colonies of white settlement?
- How did nationalism effect women?
- How did young men profit from nationalism?
- Before the 1970s, what three main directions had economic growth taken in Africa?
- What was the most fundamental reason for economic crisis?
- What role did oil play? (Look at oil producing African countries, too.)
- What did most 1960s economists think was the best way to achieve development?
- What were some of the diverse economic strategies, and why did they all lead to similar crises during the 1980s?
- What replaced labor as the crucial scarce resource?
- Why did extensive drought lead to famine in some countries and not others?
- What were the three underlying political realities? What compounded the problems?
- What were the two patterns of civil war represented by Sudan and Chad on the one hand and Angola and Mozambique on the other?
- What "bred blatantly ethnic, clientelist, and corrupt politics"?
- Describe the system of ruling elites?
- What three institutions supported ruling elites?
- What did newly independent regimes do in order to dominate society?
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