For Friday, please read AFRICANS, Chapter 13, and prepare answers to the following questions:
Structural Adjustment
- In the 1980s, what did the IMF (define IMF) require of African countries wanting loans?
- What is "democratic demand inflation"?
- What was the price of success in Ghana and Uganda?
- Where were the IMF's reforms least important, and where were they most damaging?
- What were the consequences for Zimbabwe?
- In 1997, the IMF switched strategies to what?
- What happened to the education system?
- What happened to healthcare?
- What was the new focus of migration?
- What were the effects of unemployment? Informal occupations?
- What happened to the status of women?
- What created ethnic/social solidarities?
- Anything interesting going on with religion?
- What are millenarian beliefs? Radical dualism?
- What was "the most common urban disturbance"?
- Describe the phenomenon of youth cultures.
- What is an NGO?
- What was the political situation in 1989, and what was it five years later?
- What brought about the change?
- What influence did social groups and the military play?
- What effect did the end of the Cold War have?
- How was democratization viewed by urban and rural communities?
- Why did some analysts in 1997 think that democratization had failed? Were they right?
- What is the difference between presidential and parliamentary forms of democracy?
- Where did Islamic fundamentalism originate?
- What made some guerrilla movements destructive and others less so?
- What led to the Rwanda genocide? (start with first full paragraph on p. 307)
- What was the main reason for a decline in fertility?
- When and where did AIDS originate?
- FYI antenatal = prenatal
- Why did HIV spread less quickly into West Africa?
- Why were African governments slow to respond to the crisis?
- What were the two sources of hope after the mid-90s?